Trauma Counselling
Some traumatic events include:• Loss of a loved one • Accidents• Sexual assault• Emotional/verbal abuse• Physical violence, • Natural disasters• Military service• Miscarriage• Childhood abuse• Betrayal• Medical diagnosis/event• Divorce and other situations imposed on us that are beyond our control. Traumatic reactions to these events can vary from person to person. Witnessing distressing events can also produce traumatic reactions.
Life can throw devastating circumstances at us. The definition of trauma has widened over the past few years. Neurologist, Robert Scaer described it as any adverse life experience "that occurs in a state of relative helplessness." In other words, trauma can be defined as anything that significantly influences or modifies our perception of ourselves, others, or our view of the world (Howard, 2022). I believe that most people have experienced trauma at some point and have also endured some negative impact on their life because of it.
Many people find that the event creates an intense and consistent disturbance in their life, while others report that the disturbance will show up unexpectedly and inconsistently. The disturbance can produce negative impacts and consequences on a person’s psyche and overall well being. It is natural response to find ways to control or avoid thinking about the trauma, pretend that it did not happen and/or use tactics to suppress the emotional pain associated with it. Many people seek counselling for trauma when this disturbance becomes increasingly difficult to manage or when they feel that it is the time in their lives to heal.
I believe that we all instinctively strive toward growth and improving our life. Growth is in the direction of life and life's direction is forward. We can work together at a pace that honors your needs, and feels comfortable and manageable for you.
I am trained in Eye Movement Desenitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Additionally, I draw mind/body/somatic approaches and neuroscience informed treatment modalitites.
What is Accelerated Resolution Therapy?

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Distressing problems and painful memories can produce strong, painful physical and emotional responses for all of us. Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a psychotherapy approach grounded in research that uses eye movements to help clients restructure these concerns and make voluntary changes in their mind, This ART process minimizes the negative intensity that these physical and emotional responses can elicit. The ART therapist guides the client through the process and can help them improve an ongoing problem and become unstuck from prior painful experiences. The client is in complete control during the process and can make positive changes of their choice. ART can be used to help treat anxiety, stress, past traumatic experiences and obsessive compulsive disorder.